Thank you for your interest in booking a private session with me. Readings are currently on hold at this time, I am working on some exciting projects that have been brought forth to globally expand my message!

Thanks to a beautiful team of agents, editors, and publishers, including Post Hill Press and Simon & Schuster, I’m happy to announce my first book, Chase You. I had the privilege to coauthor this book with my soul sister Elizabeth Kendig and it’s now available for preorder on Amazon and Barnes and Noble, with an official release date of December 6th, 2022.

Below you can leave your information to be alerted when booking reopens and to be the first to know about the incoming projects as they come to fruition.

Monica is a clear, compassionate and gifted intuitive reader, and her dedication to her work (and to you) is evident from the very start of the session. She has not only read for me personally, but several of my friends and colleagues too, who equally loved her work. In fact, I liked her work so much that I included her as part of my online course OWN YOUR VALUE in 2018, where she proved just as resonant with the 500+ participants who experienced the course. I give Monica my highest recommendation!
— Lee Harris
Monica opened me to my true path. I now walk with my heart and eyes wide open. Knowing what my mission here on this earth is life saving a true gift! It’s a long twisty road, but no matter where it goes, she is always on the road with me.
— Farah R.
Monica has changed my life in huge and wonderful ways. Having her there to convey the most important information from my guides has been so vital to getting me where I am today! I’m now a magnet for all the amazing things I want in my life! I am so thankful for her amazing gifts!!
— Jen T.